105120, Moscow, 1st Syromyatnichesky per. 1, BC "Delta Plaza", 1st floor
+7 (495) 025 02 66
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Ownership and Asset Management Structuring
Faced with the need to make changes to the ownership structure of private or business assets, or have doubts about the effectiveness of the current ownership structure?

Ask for the unique experience of the ALPINE Tax team in the field of structuring for the safe ownership of assets according to your wishes, the characteristics of business and private assets, as well as the family situation. In each individual case, when developing holding structure, we consider the following aspects:

  • optimal tax burden at the level of the holding structure and its owner;

  • the possibility of effective transfer of assets within the framework of inheritance;

  • protection of assets from the risks associated with the requirements and unfriendly actions of third parties;

  • the optimal mechanism for the structure control, considering the requirements of Russian and foreign legislation.

Structuring private assets
Holding mechanisms
CFC issues
Private portfolio ownership structure
We helped the client create an optimal and tax-efficient structure by conducting a comparative analysis of possible options, in particular:

analysis of jurisdictions (tax level, cost of corporate infrastructure, financial year, etc.);

elaboration of tax configuration in terms of legislation on controlled foreign companies of the Russian Federation (CFC / non-CFC);

determined the form of investment structure (company, trust, family fund, investment fund, company with segregated portfolios of assets, etc.);

elaboration of options for financing the structure (investment in capital, loan). In the future, we accompanied the structures in accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation on CFCs (preparation of notifications, statements under IFRS).
Мы провели комплексную диагностику текущей структуры владения активами, идентифицировали узкие места и выработали рекомендации по реструктуризации, в том числе, с учетом налоговых, валютных и семейно-наследственных рисков, а также требований российского и зарубежного законодательства в части раскрытия информации.

Наши эксперты сопровождали реструктуризацию: ликвидацию «лишних» компаний / структур, закрытие неиспользуемых счетов, а также создали консолидирующую персональную холдинговую структуру и проработали ее учредительные документы.

Также мы подготовили и подали необходимые уведомления в рамках требований налогового и валютного законодательства РФ, включая подготовку отчетности иностранных компаний по МСФО.
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We are interested in long-term cooperation and we are sure that the experience and knowledge of our team will help to solve the issues we are facing in the best possible way.
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